How to Set the Best New Years Goals

How to Set the Best New Years Goals

Ah, the New Year! A time when the air is filled with the scent of fresh starts and the promise of new beginnings. As we allow 2024 to dissolve into a memory, it can be the perfect moment to set goals that will make the next year even better. But how do leverage the Law of Attraction as you set the best kind of New Year’s goals?

Here are some easy yet practical tips to guide you:

1. Heart Dreams over Head Dreams

It’s so easy to get swept up in the collective new year energy that is geared towards external accomplishments and achievements–what your head says you should want. But our primary purpose here on earth is not about getting things done.

We are here to awaken.

We are here to move beyond the limitations of fear and step into our fearless identity. Harness this excitement of energy and let it tune you into the dreams and desires patiently abiding in your heart.

These goals might be things like opening my heart; experiencing new love; trusting myself; saying no to things that feel like obligations; letting myself be seen or sharing a little of my wild side 😉

2. Make It Fun

Goals shouldn’t feel like chores or obligations. Add a sprinkle of fun to your resolutions. Fun and play are some of the strongest vibrations for manifesting your desires.

If you want to read more, start a book club with friends where you can discuss over coffee (or wine!). If you want to get more steps in everyday, join a challenge or pick up some funky colored walking socks.

3. Be Flexible

One of the biggest mistakes we make in setting new years goals is setting them with a whole heavy load of perfection expectation attached. Be flexible.

When you are choosing the goal, choose what feels exciting in the moment AND know at the same time, it may (probably will) unfold differently than you think. Allow the path to the goal and maybe even the goal to shift as life does. Think of your goals as a dance, not a march.

4. Celebrate Small Wins

There will be countless little steps on the way to the goals you are setting. Understand what those are and intend to celebrate them along the way. Deciding how you are going to celebrate each little success on the way, will not only be fun, but help motivate you along the way.

Especially as we are practicing conscious creation, identifying the more “invisible” celebrations like a new idea or a new reaction to something, maybe a new response–these are all extremely powerful wins to celebrate to help you build momentum in the direction of your goal.

If you want to reach a new revenue in your business, maybe for every $100 that comes in you decide to celebrate with a gong or a bell, anything that feels joyful to you!

5. Commit to the Becoming

When we are setting goals, they are simply ideas calling us towards the thing we really want. We really want the feeling of the goal.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become while achieving your goals – Zig Ziglar

When you make the outcome of the goal, the thing you are committed to, anything unexpected that happens feels like an obstacle to the thing you want. When you decide to commit to the becoming, it allows you to see the unexpected events as what they are, opportunities for your becoming.

6. Know the Feeling

If we want the goal because of how we think it will make us feel…get clear about what that feeling is! Think of the thing you want to achieve or accomplish and ask:

  • How does accomplishing this make me feel?
  • What does it truly bring to my life experience?
  • Who am I being when I achieve this?

Now you know what you are really setting the goal for. Now you know the feeling of who you are becoming.

7. Seal the Deal

One of my favorite practices as I am setting new years goals and intentions is to wrap up the ritual by writing a script. Mentally project yourself to Dec 31st 2025 and as if you are making a journal entry about how amazing your past year was, write it all down pen to paper.

Start with how you are feeling in that moment, and everything you are appreciating. Let it be in first person, present tense “I feel so full of joy and am appreciating the snow on the trees, my new hat I just got for Christmas etc.”

Stay as general as possible, just appreciating everything that is here “now” and don’t get into any of the how the things that you want, happened. Enjoy being in the feelings of your goals manifest. If if feels fun to you, you can fold up your paper, put it in an envelope and seal it up to read in a years time.

Sometimes I loose the letter by the end of the next year, but it’s fun whenever I do find it–or whoever does find it 😅

Leveraging these ideas and tips will allow you to set aligned goals that not only inspire you but also bring joy and fulfillment throughout the year. Here’s to a fantastic New Year filled with growth, laughter, and plenty of fun! 🎉

ginny gane
hi! I'm Ginny!

I can teach you how to consciously transform your vibration to align with your most extraordinary life.

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