Knowing This Changes Everything

Knowing This Changes Everything

Everything we think, feel, do and say in our life is connected at the core to one thing. Our identity. Who we are. It’s the answer to the question who am I? Knowing this changes everything.

The understanding of our identity is foundational to our level of consciousness and therefore how we create our reality. Think of identity as the bottom layer of a pyramid, it is the basis of where our thoughts, beliefs and ideas about what is true stem from. 

Seeking a deeper understanding of our identity is also a turning point for many individuals on their path of awakening to Truth. If you are asking the question “who am I?” you are in the midst of opening up to:
  • A new level of awareness and consciousness
  • A new way of being
  • A new experience of more powerful creation
  • More love, more peace and more freedom

Where does our identity come from? 

As most things, our identity is formed early on as we accept ideas about ourselves before we understand we have a choice about what to accept or not. So it’s kind of like our identity is handed to us on a platter–silver or not! 

We are either directly told who we are “you are a good girl, a good boy, you are lazy, you are smart etc.” Or a situation happens in our life and we unconsciously decide it means something about who we are. For example, a friend didn’t want to share a toy and we on some level decide that means we don’t deserve it. This is how we form the base of our own pyramid. 

Seems kind of unfair, right? Especially because it plays such a significant part of how our life unfolds but we don’t actually get to consciously choose it…until we do!
All over the world people are waking up to the awareness that we do have a conscious choice about what is true about ourselves. As our awareness expands, we realize that we don’t have to accept the ideas about ourselves that we once did.

Is Identity a Choice?

With something so important to our capacity to consciously create our reality, can it really be as simple as making a new choice about who we are? Can I really just decide who I want to be?

Yes and no. Yes it is a choice, but your capacity to choose is determined by your level of consciousness. If you think about consciousness as your awareness, you can’t choose something that is outside your radar because you can’t even see it! You don’t even know it’s there. 
Believe it or not, everyone is always making the best choices available to them from their current state of consciousness.  As we expand our awareness, we expand our consciousness and ultimately our capacity to make new choices. This is how we transform our identity.

Why is identity important in manifesting?

Your reality is a reflection of what you believe, about everything, including yourself. What you believe about yourself ie. your identity will be reflected to you in everything around you. 

“We don’t manifest what we want, we manifest what we are.”
The “what you are” is talking about the vibration you are emitting to the Universe around you. Every moment we are vibrating at a certain frequency and communicating that to the Universe. 
Your identity is informing the energy of what you are communicating. Consequently, what you think about yourself matters big time in manifesting. 

The Layers of Identity

I always thought I knew who I was. I was privileged to be raised in an environment where I was conditioned into a positive perception of myself and who I was. This was an immense advantage because on the surface level I thought I was good. 
It came as quite the surprise to me that as I worked to align with bigger manifestations, it required me to explore my own identity and guess what was sitting way down in there? The fear of not being good enough. The vibration of unworthiness.

As my awareness expanded, I was able to see this deeper layer of my identity. And  only then could I see how so many of my past actions, decisions and choices–especially in relationships came from my identity of not being good enough. 

It manifested as needing others’ acceptance, love and approval. Changing myself to fit, to belong. But it never works for long because our soul is always pulling us towards authentic self expression and anything other than that will ultimately manifest as depression or struggle on the outside. 


When we deny our authentic nature of being, we create disharmony in our body, our mind, our being and ultimately our life. And this is when I started to learn about the layers of our identity.  

Most people accept that our identity is fact and unchangeable. I view it differently. There are two different layers we can approach our identity from.

Who we THINK we are
The first level of understanding our identity happens on the level of thought. It is who we think we are. Or in other words, the thoughts we have about ourselves. I am a good person, a worthy person, I am smart, happy, positive etc. 

This is the mindset level of identity. It’s our human perspective and because it is malleable, it is so very important for stepping into our power as a conscious creator. 
It’s on this level of our identity that we hold the conscious and unconscious mental programming from our early developmental years and experiences. 
Who we REALLY are
The second layer of understanding our identity happens from the non-physical level. Often referred to as our soul or inner-being perspective. This part of who we are exists in the vibrational frequency of pure freedom, love, peace and truth.
It is through this part of our identity that we are connected to Source, God, the Divine or all that is. This level of identity is permanent, meaning no matter what thoughts, emotions or human experiences we have, this part of our identity remains steady. 

In this part of our identity, the vibration of our innate value as human beings, exists. 

Creating a Balanced Identity

I was introduced to the concept of our non-physical perspective and accepted pretty early on that I do have a soul, it is what felt true for me. I really believed the soul part of me was the only important part of my identity. And this served me for a while, until I lived enough life and came up against all the limitations of my human perspective. 

I realized by exclusively identifying myself as a soul, I was denying the very real and true human part of me. And denying any part of me is denying the whole of me. Over the most recent years, I have been loving the idea of integration, of wholeness. The balancing of both my physical and non-physical perspectives to create my identity. 

I’ve always known that my strong belief in my soul self is what allowed me to move more easily through the human challenges I faced. This still feels true. To me the most powerful identity comes from being grounded in my non-physical truth and consciously choosing my physical truth.  

Like a Tree...

As if the underground roots of a tree represent my soul or non-physical Truth and the branches of the tree would represent my human or physical truth. The awareness of my True rooted identity, allows me to feel safe and steady, keeping me grounded in something eternal, so that I feel free to express my temporary human branches in all the different ways.


We are so much more than what we can see on the surface and consciously acknowledging both layers of our identity allows us to stand solidly rooted in who we are and free to explore the human experience. 


You are the most perfect mix of physical and non-physical perspectives all wrapped up into the most brilliant individual of a being. 

You do not have to accept what society has taught you, you are. You do not have to let anyone else outside of you define who you are. You can choose to create your own identity. An identity that is in alignment with what value, and who you 
to be. 
Your power to create is unlimited when you are tuned into your eternal soul perspective and consciously choose your human expression. No matter where you are on your path you can shift into greater alignment and live your truth.

Tools and Resources

LOA Skills Camp

Consciously choosing our identity is essential for stepping into and knowing our power to create our own reality, and that’s why it takes up a whole module of my signature course LOA Skills Camp. 

In phase 2 of this 8 week experience, you will be guided through step by step how to choose the identity you want to embody–the last phase being, how you step into it. 

Learn more about LOA Skills Camp below. 

ginny gane
hi! I'm Ginny!

I can teach you how to consciously transform your vibration to align with your most extraordinary life.

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