I can almost guarantee that if you’re on the spiritual path of conscious creation, you’ve thought about those “negative” people at least once or twice.
“She’s so negative, he’s so negative, they are so negative.”
I’m referring to people who are more pessimistic, have a can’t-do attitude, or mostly talk about things going wrong. They often focus on external struggles and are considered complainers.
Making the Mistake
Along my conscious creation journey, I would often find myself around people who complained or talked about what’s wrong in life. Ironically, some were my closest friends and family. It made me feel trapped– one of my worst fears.
At the time, my reaction was to blame and I actually believed the problem was them. I thought that I was positive and I knew not to talk about negative things, therefore it must be about them. So, I did what any manifesting newbie would do—I tried to change them!
I either tried to explain why their negativity wasn’t helping or felt so uncomfortable I’d abruptly leave the conversation.
This was not the best path.
Even though I thought I was doing the right thing by avoiding negativity, it wasn’t helping me thrive. Some of these interactions passed by, but many led to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Let’s look at what was really happening vibrationally. When I encountered negativity, my mind instantly judged it as wrong or bad. “Negativity is bad.” But, that’s not true.
(One of the biggest misconceptions in the LOA world is that negative equals bad. But we’ll save that for another day.)
When I judged negativity, I activated a resistance in myself. My energy shifted. I wasn’t really listening anymore, and I was pushing back with my vibration.
We know how the Law of Attraction works: what you resist, persists.
When you label someone’s negativity as wrong, you create resistance within yourself. That’s why you feel uncomfortable. It’s not because of their energy being spilled out onto you—it’s because you are agreeing with it, in your resistance to it!
This is why I love conscious creation. We always have a choice in how we respond with our energy!
We are always either resisting or allowing.
Now that we know negative people aren’t the problem, it’s up to us to allow or resist. Let’s explore how to step into our power and thrive around negativity.
Thriving means feeling at peace, light, and free, even when someone else is negative. It doesn’t always mean feeling good.
Imagine you’re listening to a coworker’s weekly complaints about the commute and how they’d rather work from home. The energy feels heavy, and you want to escape, quickly!
In that moment of awareness, when you catch yourself tensing up, you have a choice. You can resist or allow their energy.
Resisting might be:
I don’t want to hear this
I can’t hear this right now
They shouldn’t feel that way
That’s not the right reaction
Allowing might be:
This is hard for them
They are allowed to feel this way
I don’t have to resist this
I can let them be free
We can feel the difference in our body. When we resist, we feel tight. When we allow, we feel open. Sometimes, dropping out of your head and into your body can really help ground you. You know that feeling you get on the exhale of a big sigh, that is you allowing.
The Wrap Up
- The only reason it’s hard for us to be around negative people is because on some level we are resisting who or how they are being. Don’t resist who and how they are being and you will set yourself free.
- There was one point I was journaling with my Inner Being years ago and asking about this and they asked me you want people to give you the freedom to be you right? Yes. Well then you must offer them the same freedom. And it really hit me. I was withholding THE thing I wanted most from other people. I wasn’t letting them be free.
- Another way to say it is treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want to receive the absolute freedom to be who you are in this world, give the same freedom to others. Let them off the hook, release the judgment of where they are and free yourself from the inner resistance to the negativity.
Your capacity to thrive in the presence of negativity will depend on the degree to which you can give others the freedom to be who they are without judgment.
When you do this, you will watch all of your relationships transform.
After guiding hundreds of people through this specific transformation in relationships, I will tell you that it most often starts with some sort of “I know, but…” but this person does this or says this or thinks that which is the reason why I can’t feel good.
I would encourage you to take a moment and really ask yourself: Do I fully accept I have the power within me to feel light in the presence of negativity?
I am eager for you to see the manifestations of this practice in your relationships.
With you in practice!
One of the questions I get most when it comes to feeling positive around negativity is how do you handle so much chaos in the world? I’ll share more about this next week. Register to receive our weekly Truth Tuesday messages.