Manifesting Love From the Inside Out

Manifesting Love From the Inside Out

If the desire for great love is such a natural human calling, why does it seem so challenging to actually experience? From the Law of Attraction perspective, it is because most people are trying to manifest love from the outside in. Trying to find someone else to give them the love they are wanting. The reality is that we only truly manifest love from the inside out.

When we begin to take ownership for our own vibration, we become empowered to transform any relationship in our life.

Understanding Love as a Vibration

Simply the word love has so many different meanings and perspectives. The most powerful manifesting perspective for myself and my clients has been understanding love as a frequency of vibration. Frequency can be measured.

Dr. David Hawkins created the map of consciousness by using Kinesiology testing to measure different energetic frequencies. This scale ranges from the lowest frequency of shame (20) to the highest frequency of enlightenment (700-1000). According to Dr. Hawkins unconditional love measures at a frequency of 500.

This map of consciousness is similar to the emotional scale that Abraham-Hicks uses that shows the vibration of love as a higher frequency vibration, along with joy, freedom and appreciation.

The immense value of understanding love as a vibration is that now we know love is within us. Love is not something that is separate from us or outside of us. Love is always and only ever experienced from within us.

When we accept the truth that the source of our love is within us, we empower ourselves with the capacity to feel and create more love in our life. And this is where your LOA skills can really come into play.

Leveraging the Law of Attraction in Love

Because we live in a vibrational universe, the foundation of every relationship is vibrational. The relationships in your life are first and foremost a vibrational relationship. This means that underneath every conversation and every action there is an vibrational frequency.

The vibration you embody in relationships is determined by both conscious and unconscious thoughts, beliefs and judgments you hold within you, about them. How your relationships feel to you, is way more about what you have going on inside you than it is about the other person.

Unfortunately we aren’t really taught this growing up and so we find most of our attention and energy going to try to change or control the other person / people in order to feel love within ourselves. The more and more you realize and practice taking care of your own vibration, the more and more love you will feel.

Your Two Points of Attraction

One of the biggest mis-understandings within Law of Attraction teachings is that if you are in a high vibration you will only attract high vibration experiences. The truth is you are always attracting from two perspectives, your soul perspective and your human perspective.

Your soul is never going to miss an opportunity for expansion! Which means you will often naturally call in experiences that provide you with an opportunity to expand in vibration or consciousness.

You could be walking around in a high vibration AND attract a person being rude to you. This does not mean you have “done anything wrong.” It only means you’ve been presented with the perfect opportunity to step into your Truth, to practice being who you want to be.

It is through these opportunities to BE, to take action that we most powerfully shift our vibration. The shifts in our vibration start in thought and focus, but they are made real world through our action.

Taking Ownership of Inner Energy

You ultimately hold all the power within you to transform any relationship through your own vibration. This doesn’t mean you will change other people or their behaviours. It does mean you will change your own experience of that person or people.

How we feel within is determined by both the thoughts we are consciously giving attention to and the unconscious beliefs that live in our body. In order to create a new relationship, we must be willing to think about that relationship in a new way.

This isn’t a practice of pretending someone is different than they are. This is a conscious choice to be intentional with our focus and take care of our inner energy.

By learning to take care of your own energy and vibration, by prioritizing your inner state of being over managing the behaviors of others–you begin to powerfully leverage the Law of Attraction in manifesting love.

What I have learned through intimately guiding hundreds of women on their journey to inner Truth, is that it always, always, always comes down to the willingness to be kind to oneself in a moment. The only true way to manifest more love in your life is from the inside out. Align with the vibration within you, and watch the whole world respond.

If you take one thing away from this reading, let it be the absolute unlimited power you will unleash within when you decide to embody the love that you are.

When you feel called to receive support along this path, I have put together a space where you can be guided into alignment with the love and relationships that are most important to you in your life.

Key Takeaways

  • Love is first a vibration before it is an act of expression.
  • The vibration of love is within you.
  • Love becomes easier and easier to feel, the more you release limiting beliefs and stored emotional pain (dense low frequency energy.
  • You have the capacity to shift into greater alignment with love in any moment when you have the willingness to.
  • You do not need to be perfect to manifest more love in your life
ginny gane
hi! I'm Ginny!

I can teach you how to consciously transform your vibration to align with your most extraordinary life.

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