Supporting a Friend in a Challenging Relationship A Guide to Being There

Supporting a Friend in a Challenging Relationship: A Guide to Being There

We’ve all been there, right? Watching our friend go through a challenging relationship when it seem so obvious to us from the outside that it is not a fit.

Navigating the complexities of a friend’s challenging relationship can be a delicate task. Understanding your role from a Law of Attraction perspective can make it so much easier though. As much as we want to help, it’s crucial to approach the situation with empathy, understanding, and respect for their journey. Here are some insights and tips on how to use your Law of Attraction Skills when you are supporting a friend who might be in a difficult relationship.

1. Set Loving Boundaries

Often times when a close friend is experiencing struggle in their relationship, they want to talk about it–alot! There may come a time in your friendship when it feels like too much for you. You are allowed to feel this. There seems to be an unsaid rule that friendship means you must always show up and you must always listen no matter what.

If you want an authentic friendship grounded in mutual love and respect, there has to be space for both of your feelings and experiences. So one of the first steps in supporting your friend is to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

  • This might mean speaking out loud how you are feeling. “It’s important for me to hear you and it also feels like a lot to me right now.”
  • It might mean asking for some time together that is not conversation based. Maybe you watch a movie or play a game together.
  • It also might mean being intentional about how much time feels good for you to spend with this person at one time. Before you plan something, take into consideration the time you want to spend together.

Setting boundaries for yourself, makes you a better friend and more able to support them.

2. Be Supportive and Non-Judgmental

Being a truly supportive friend means fully accepting their choices, even if you don’t agree with them. Every relationship ultimately has value for us and you can choose to trust your friend’s journey without passing judgment.

Thoughts of “this is wrong, they are not right for you, this is not good,” are all your own judgments on a situation that isn’t about you. You step into the energy of true vibrational support, the moment you release your personal judgments about right and wrong.

You demonstrate your trust in your friend as you accept that they know what is best for them. This is a vibrational acceptance and love that they can feel from you. This is what aligned friendships are made of.

3. Focus on the Positive

If they are open to hearing a different perspective, encourage your friend to talk about the positive aspects of their relationship. This doesn’t mean ignoring the negatives, but rather helping them see the full picture.

When we are the person in the midst of it, sometimes it’s hard to see the good stuff. By you bringing some reminders and energy to the good, you can help them gain a balanced perspective. It’s through this more balanced focus they will often find clarity in their situation.

4. Trust the Process

As a friend, we don’t want to be seeing them suffer and our initial reaction is probably to try to fix or change their situation. Remember that self-awareness and readiness for change must come from within them. This isn’t a process that can be rushed.

It’s important to trust that your friend will find their way in their own time. Which may require growth on your end to fully accept where they are in their journey. You can be the person that holds this space for them. Resist pushing them towards decisions they aren’t ready to make. Instead, be there to listen and offer guidance only when they seek it.

5. Stay Mindful and Aligned

As you support your friend, be mindful of your own thoughts and feelings. Stay in alignment with your values and beliefs, and ensure that your support comes from a place of authenticity and truth. You never know how your example of vibrational truth might be the exact support your friend was needing.

Furthermore, you can only be a truly positive influence to your friend when you are in an aligned place–when you are connected to your own place of Truth.


Supporting a friend in a challenging relationship requires self-awareness, compassion, and a willingness to trust their journey. By setting loving boundaries, and being a non-judgmental presence, you can offer transformative support. Remember to stay mindful of your own alignment and trust that your friend will find their way in their own time.

For more insights and discussions, consider tuning into the Manifest It Now Episode: How To Help A Friend in A Bad Relationship episode 293

ginny gane
hi! I'm Ginny!

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